


SHARE Food Network Celebrates 25 Years


Knights and Dames celebrated SHARE's 25th Anniversary along with 500 volunteers, supporters and staff on April 11th at the SHARE Warehouse. 


The SHARE (Self Help And Resource Exchange) Food Network is a community-based network. The event is held each year to thank those who have been so loyal in purchasing their food from the Share Network.  Guests enjoyed a wonderful meal with music and much camaraderie.


The afternoon included a variety of speakers: Jaynee Acevedo, SHARE's director; Scott Lewis, a former director of SHARE; and Rev. John Enzler, Catholic Charities president and CEO.


The following were presented with awards for their outstanding service to SHARE:


the TC Bell Award, to one of SHARE's founders, Judge Jim Belson;


the Goodwyn Community Commitment Award, to Project Giveback; and


the Host Site of the Year Award, to Ebenezer United Methodist Church.


In the late 1980s, the Federal Association began to look into starting a SHARE operation in the Washington area.  Research indicated the program was perfect for ”helping the poor and the sick”.  Help was needed to embark on such a large project, and Catholic Charities agreed to co-sponsor. Thus the SHARE Operation began in the Washington, DC area.


T Those participating in the program are asked to volunteer two hours a month at SHARE, their church or at the host site. This allows those receiving food at reduced cost to feel they have given back in time spent. The warehouse volunteers help in breaking down the bulk foods such as potatoes, rice, etc. to family-size portions. Help is also needed on the two distribution days each month when the Host Sites gather their orders.


SHARE operates with a small staff and dedicated volunteers.  It provides healthy food packages each month at reduced cost, allowing families to obtain value while extending their food budgets. These packages include fresh produce, meats and fish.  Approximately 18,000 people are served each month through packages sold. More than 270 churches, schools, tenant associations and other community organizations benefit from this program.


Thanks to the hard work of many, SHARE continues to serve the DC Metro area along with satellite trucks of food to Hughesville, Fredericksburg, Hagerstown and Baltimore.


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