


Feed the Hungry is a non-profit organization dedicated to the sole purpose of securing, delivering and serving warm meals to those in need of food. Since 1994 Dallas Region Knights and Dames meet every Saturday morning to purchase and serve food at a vacant lot in a poor area in Dallas, Texas. With your support of the 2014 Annual Appeal, this charity was able to receive a total grant of $17,500 to provide food, paper plates, and medical supplies to the poor and sick.


These are the poorest of the poor and often have nothing to eat that day. Most have nothing; many bring all their worldly goods with them when they come for a meal. These are people who have mental, social, or physical issues and disabilities. Many are undocumented immigrants, including children, ex-convicts, addicts and abusers, prostitutes, and homeless. But, each is numbered among the ones Christ called on us to help. Feed the Hungry does so even though it is only in the form of a hot meal.